Thursday, April 24, 2014

DVD: Mystery Science Theater 3000

MST3k has a... sordid and complicated history and an equally complex release list. I only own 2 volumes of it.

VOL. 1 and VOL. 23

And I lost the disc for Catalina Caper from VOL.1 (Hahaha...)

God, I love this show.

Though it should be noted that I have NO DESIRE to own The Movie...


BOOK: The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick

Philip K. Dick is one of my all-time favorite authors.

a breakdown:

I would eventually like to own all of PKD's bibliography, but I'm pacing myself as he is (obviously) not releasing any new material.
This is the one I think I'd like to most read next.

COMIC: Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery

Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely together is always a must-read for me.

in brief:

COMIC: The Wrenchies

Farel Dalrymple has a great name and also, some would say more importantly, an amazing art style and visual sensibility.

Here's an article on the book: